Venue objects represent a restaurant or bar in AllTheTables.

AllTheTables has already indexed every bookable restaurant and bar. To place a booking at a venue, find the venue record in AllTheTables first.

You can then use venues to place bookings.

Venue Object

idstringThe unique identifier of the venue.
namestringThe name of the venue.
descriptionstringA description of the venue.
images{ url: string }[]A list of images related to the venue.
evaluation.scorenumberThe score or rating of the venue.{ average?: number, count: number }The average review score and count of reviews.
featuredIn{ id: string, name: string, position?: number }[]A list of features for the venue.
contact.websitestringThe venue's website URL (optional).
contact.phonestringThe venue's contact phone number (optional).
contact.emailstringThe venue's contact email address (optional).
social.twitterstringThe venue's Twitter handle (optional).
social.instagramstringThe venue's Instagram handle (optional).
social.facebookstringThe venue's Facebook handle (optional).
location.timezonestringThe venue's timezone.
location.geo.latitudenumberThe geographical latitude of the venue.
location.geo.longitudenumberThe geographical longitude of the venue.
location.address.line1stringThe first line of the venue's address (optional).
location.address.line2stringThe second line of the venue's address (optional).
location.address.townstringThe town where the venue is located (optional).
location.address.streetstringThe street address of the venue (optional).
location.address.postCodestringThe venue's postal code (optional).
location.address.countryCodeCountryThe venue's country code.
bookingFlow.typeBookingFlowTypeThe type of booking flow for the venue.
bookingFlow.websiteAction{ url: string, label: string }The action to be taken on the booking website.
cuisineFilters{ id: string, name: string, cuisines: { id: string, name: string }[] }[]List of cuisine filters for the venue.
openingTimes{ id: string, day: DayOfWeek, periods: { startHHmm: string, finishHHmm: string }[] }[]The opening times of the venue.